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Hope and her brother Asher were found malnourished with high fevers, covered in hundreds of maggots. Hope is lame due to her neglect. She is sweet and mobile in her new wheelchair!
Asher is Hopes brother and is unable to walk due to malnutrition. We are awaiting a wheelchair for him so he can do wheelchair races with Hope!
Penelope and Olive came to us in the Spring of 2024. They are both dwarf Nigerian goats and are half sisters. They are both 10 years old. They were raised by a couple to be used as dairy goats. However once the couple researched it a bit more, they didn't want to put them through that. They have been pets their whole lives, but due to hard times they were living in a garage. Their parents are going through divorce and neither could take them, so we did. They are beautiful, loving and a welcome addition to the farm!
Olive and Penelope came to us in the Spring of 2024. They are both dwarf Nigerian goats and are half sisters. They are both 10 years old. They were raised by a couple to be used as dairy goats. However once the couple researched it a bit more, they didn't want to put them through that. They have been pets their whole lives, but due to hard times they were living in a garage. Their parents are going through divorce and neither could take them, so we did. They are beautiful, loving and a welcome addition to the farm!
Taylor Swift
Alphie as we call him came to us on Earth Day in 2017 with his sister Clover. They were found living in an old tire near an abandoned farm. They were 7 weeks old. Alphie is a big boy and weighs 18 lbs. He makes friends with everyone including the barn mice. He is spoiled rotten and enjoys lots of food, love, attention, and of course treats. He has been friends with all the animals that have ever called Spring Farm home.
Brandi is a large Pekin Duck! She had been abandoned and was rescued by a well known wildlife photographer Jim Brandenburg.
Brandi was most likely an Easter chick, that was no longer wanted after a short while.
She was dumped in a local lake to fend for herself, even though she was domesticated. A local wildlife photographer had been watching her, trying to gain her trust by lying near her for hours. He was finally able to pick her up and drive her to us. She was tiny, but has thrived with lots of love and great care!
Beautiful Clover is the farm guardian. She likes to know what is going on with everyone. Clover has no fear and used to stand on our sleeping pigs! We received Clover and Alfalfa together when they were both 7 weeks old. They are brother and sister, but Alphie is double Clovers size! They are both 6 years old and are the most loved, spoiled barn cats in the world.
Esther, our gorgeous Silver Appleyard Duck.
Beautiful Esther was kept in an unprotected yard and witnessed the death of her family from a coyote attack. She was given to us as the lone survivor. She was very timid at first as you can imagine how such a traumatic experience affected her. With lots of time, love, and compassion, she has come around to be a proud, confident girl! She loves all her chicken and duck friends.
Lucy was rescued from a live market in South St Paul.
Lucy was rescued from a live market in South St Paul. Her breed is a Rhode Island Rd. She was born with what is called a cross beak. We manage this by trimming her beak with a dremel. It does not hurt her because we only trim the dead translucent part. Kind of like a fingernail. We do this so she can pick up her grain and other food easily. She is awesome!
Matilda was found running around in a parking lot near a live market in St Paul. She is very curious and friendly and follows us around like a puppy dog.
Matilda escaped from a live market, and was found by a kind soul in a nearby parking lot. She was brought to Spring Farm and gently introduced to the other girls. She is friendly, loving, and smart! Everyone loves her!
Norman Tucker is our tallest steer, and the tallest most have ever seen.
Beautiful Norman stands at 6 foot 3 inches tall. He is pretty close to the Guinness book of world records in height for a Holstein steer!. He has a very similar story to Walter and he was going to get fattened up for slaughter right before we were able to rescue him. He now has a beautiful life and looks up to his best friend Pete!
Olive was found living outside an apartment complex in Rochester, MN.
Olive is a Rouen duck which is a breed that are primarily raised for meat. She was found homeless outside an apartment building. She was brought to us 5 years ago with her friend Lily, who has sadly passed away. Olive has health issues in her reproduction tract which has caused her to lay many soft eggs. Our Vet has given her several Suprelorin implants that help for a while, but then they stop. We do the best we can for her to keep her healthy and happy. She is a very sweet girl!
Our Big Boy Pete! Pete is a gorgeous Hereford Steer.
Pete and Scruffy (sadly deceased) were formerly owned by a very kind couple, Bob and Vicki, in Bowlus, MN.
Scruffy had an injury on his leg that gave him a 50/50 chance of ending up lame. The farmer who owned Scruffy decided that he wasn't worth the time or money to raise. Bob and Vicki, seeing the calf tied to a tree, offered to buy Scruffy.
Three months later, Bob and Vicki adopted Pete and bottle fed him the way they had done with Scruffy.
Beautiful Walter is as sweet as can be. He shows affection to both his steer brothers and human family!
Walter is a male Holstein which is a dairy cow. Male Holsteins are unwanted. Neutered males are called steers.
He was deemed useless by the dairy industry and was greatly mistreated by people as he was prepared for slaughter. Because of this mistreatment, he was initially very fearful of us and would not go near us.
However, due to kindness, persistence and lots of love, he now loves being petted and brushed and kissed! Walter loves bananas, and pasture cookies. and being loved!
This is Timmy, he is a Leghorn rooster.
Description goes hereThis is Timmy, he is a Leghorn rooster. He was living on his own in a neighborhood in Bloomington. Neighbors kept putting out water and food for him but were worried he would be attacked by a predator. We were contacted by someone who was able to catch him, so we agreed to take him. Timmy is our first rooster ever.
There are so many homeless roosters due to the fact of the popularity of backyard chickens. There is no guarantee when people buy chicks that they are all female. When someone ends up with roosters, they try to get rid of them due to the fact that they don’t lay eggs and that most city ordinances don’t allow roosters due to their crowing. Timmy is slowly but surely warming up to us. He loves Hank and wants to be with him constantly. His favorite snacks are watermelon, cucumbers, blueberries and tomatoes.
Sponsor a Newbie
Poppy, Dewey, and Pickles found themselves in an unexpected situation when someone trespassed into our office and left them in a box. We swiftly took them to our vet, created a comfortable space for them indoors and outdoors, and now, they call our place home. It turns out Dewey and Pickles are males. Despite the unexpected expense of their care, they are all beautiful and deserving of a loving home. If you'd like to help us cover the costs of their care, sponsoring one of these adorable ducks would mean the world to us!
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